British Columbia's Vancouver Island

the Gulf Islands (Victoria to Nanaimo):
Some very popular boating areas in British Columbia
are the Gulf Islands. The islands are protected
from the winds and rains of the west coast and
marine life is abundant. During the summer, you
might see killer whales, seal lions, harbour seals
and porpoises. Blue herons, Canada geese, bald
eagles, grebes and cormorants make up the bird
species found on the Gulf Islands and surrounding
waters. In and around this region, are over a
dozen marine parks, designated for public use.
Some offer small craft floats, buoys, interesting
hiking trails, picnic and sanitation facilities.
To protect and study the plant, mammal and bird
life many places are set aside as ecological reserves.
Please respect these fragile areas. Summer weather
in the Gulf Island region means mornings of calm
winds and seas. The afternoons can bring westerly
winds and choppy conditions. It is a good idea
to do your boat cruising in the mornings.

Winter morning at Fulford Harbour, Saltspring island
can be very busy in and around the Gulf Islands,
so for solitude and quiet, cruise in the off-season.
Anchorage is easily to find, but cooler temperatures
prevail, so prepare your trip accordingly.
The east coast of Vancouver Island and the Gulf
Islands have many places that provide excellent
boating and anchorage. Some have landing floats
and mooring bays. The islands, many bays and inlets
offer excellent hiking trails, picnic and even
camping sites.
British Columbia's Capital on Vancouver
Island, has good anchorage facilities and
is a wonderful and picturesque place to visit.
Public floats in James Bay offer some of the best
city-docking in North America. Everything boaters
need is within walking distance. Stock up on marine
supplies and food. Enjoy the many restaurants,
gift shops, museums and restaurants. Near Victoria
are interesting boating spots such as Cadboro
Bay, Cordova Bay and Discovery Island.
Along the east
coast of Vancouver Island are many places
with excellent mooring facilities such as Sidney
Spit, Portland Island, Satelite Channel and Saanich
Inlet. The twelve-mile long Saanich Inlet has
Brentwood Bay, Butchart Cove and Todd Inlet all
with over night anchorage. Cruising northward
is Cowichan Bay, Maple Bay and Genoa Bay. Genoa
is a good place to wait for the current to change
in Sansum Narrows before heading into the Stuart
Channel and Dodd Narrows. Chemainus Bay can be
very congested. Telegraph Harbour offers anchorage
and full services at two marinas. This is a popular
stop for pleasure boats and the Thetis Island
ferry has regularly runs to Chemainus.
Next popular and full facility stop is the city
of Nanaimo.
This is a Customs port of entry with good shopping.
In summer, Nanaimo Harbour is a very busy place
and space can be limited. A good alternative is
Mark Bay on the south side of Newcastle Island.
A small passenger ferry makes hourly runs between
Newcastle Island and Nanaimo.
Cruising in and around the Gulf Islands is a very
pleasant boating experience with many sheltered
bays and inlets that have excellent floats and
mooring. Saltspring Island, the largest of the
Gulf Islands, is a great place to relax and enjoy
the best that the islands have to offer. Enjoy
cycling, riding, diving, hiking and camping. Ganges
Harbour, with its galleries, restaurants, gift
shops and a food market has facilities at the
Government Wharf and the two marinas. This can
be a very busy spot, but Walter Bay and Madrona
Bay offer sheltered anchorage.
Bedwell Harbour, an inlet that separates North
and South Pender Islands, has needed amenities
including customs dock, public floats, a resort
and marinas. Beaumont Provincial Park a 32.4 hectare
(80 acre) marine park has trails, camping and
swimming. Between the park and the resort, are
many anchorage spots. Otter Bay, on North Pender
Island provides anchorage in a couple of places.
The private marina at Hyashi Cove with full facilities,
is becoming a popular stopping spot with locals
and boating tourists.
Winter Cove Marine Park, a popular boating area
found on the northwestern end of Saturna Island
is a 90.3 hectare (223 acre) site, with shoreline
trails and tidal rapids. This is a good place
to take a pleasant break and do some exploring.
On the south side of Samuel Island is Irish Bay
with well-sheltered anchorage.
Mayne Island has many good anchorage spots such
as Horton Bay, Bennett Bay, Campbell Bay and David
Cove. Miners Bay is deep so anchor close to shore.
Bay has good anchorage, but small crafts should
stay clear of the BC Ferry landing. Active Pass
between Mayne and Galiano Islands is a deep channel
used by ferry boats, large commercial ships and
pleasure crafts.

Montague Harbour Marine Park, Galiano Island
Bay on Galiano Island has a public float near
the BC Ferry docks and the community offer stores,
a lodge and other facilities. On the southwest
side of Galiano is Montague Harbour, a very popular
stopping place that is well sheltered. Montague
Harbour Marine Park features a public wharf for
small boats. Larger crafts should use the hooks
out in the bay. This park has lovely stretches
of white shell beaches, hiking trails, tidal pools,
camping and road access.
Pirates Cove Marine Park on the south east side
of De Courcy Island is easily the most popular
marine park in the Gulf Islands. In the summer,
when it is very busy, a host can direct boaters
to a space. Once moored, the shore trails beckon.
Small crafts can use the mini floats that offer
easy shore access. On shore are picnic and camping
sites, and an easy hiking trail that encircles
the park. The story about Brother Twelve and Madame
Zee is part of Pirates Cove history. These two
were leaders of a cult that thrived here in the
late 1920's and early 1930's.
Should the boat trip take you to Gabriola Island,
Degnen Bay, on the south side offers protected
anchorage. Stay close to Josef Point when arriving
and departing, avoiding the rocks in the middle
of Gabriola Passage. A government dock offers
access to the island.
Cruising Northern Strait of Georgia
(Nanaimo to Discovery Passage):
This section offers boaters a couple of different options and routes.
One option is to stay close to Vancouver Island and explore the many
coastal coves, Denman Island and Hornby Island, Nanoose Bay and Tribune
Bay. Continue northward to Baynes Sound, Comox
Harbour, Campbell
River and the entrance to Discovery Passage. This is a very scenic
route, but it offers few good anchorages. Another route to take is by
Lasqueti Island. This is a fun place to explore with many small coves
that feature good anchorage. The other option is to cross the Strait
to Thormanby Islands and up Malaspina Strait to explore east Texada
Island and the mainland coast. If planning to cross the Strait of Georgia,
stay clear of the military test area.
If boating and staying close to Vancouver Island, you will find good
anchorage at Nanoose Bay and Schooner Cove. The marina at French Creek
open year round is the only place to anchor if visiting Parksville.
Hornby Island has anchorages at Tribune Bay and Shingle Spit. Comox
Harbour is a busy harbour and city. It has a couple of marinas and pleasure
boats use the Comox Harbour Authority floats.
Lasqueti Island has good anchorage sites at Boat
Cove, Old House Bay, Richardson Cove and Jenkins
Cove along the south shore of the island. Located
on the north side are Tucker Bay, Boho Bay, and
Spanish Cove. The major settlement on the island
is False Bay which has a public float or else
anchor on the north shore of the bay. Squitty
Bay Marine Park has a public float and dock. The
entrance to the bay is narrow, so be careful and
stay to the southwest side.
Should you take the route across the Strait
of Georgia to Malaspina Strait and Texada
Island plan your trip carefully. Winds in the
Strait of Georgia can be strong, best time to
cross is in the morning before the afternoon northwesterlies
start. The Whiskey Golf Military Test Area, just
out of Nanaimo is a restricted area and must be
by passed. After leaving Nanaimo Harbour head
for Winchelsea Islands, pass to the east, turn
east of the Ballenas Islands. Once past this point,
steer northeast for Lasqueti and Texada Island
and the Sunshine
Cruising Discovery Passage and
Quadra Island:
Passage is the main waterway that links the
Strait of Georgia with Johnstone
Strait. Commercial traffic, recreational boats,
and sport-fishermen all use this long, narrow
stretch of water between Vancouver Island and
the Discovery
Islands (Quadra, Sonora, and East Thurlow).
Northward from Discovery
Passage and Desolation Sound the shoreline
and topography are rugged and steep. This is the
start of the wilderness and an area that is less
travelled by pleasure crafts. Careful planning
and timing are needed to make this challenging
excursion safe and fun. Half way through Discover
Passage is Seymour Narrows, which should be navigated
near slack water. Duncan and Menzies Bays, on
the south, and Plumper Bay on the north side offer
anchorage when waiting for slack water.
River, at the south entrance of Discover Passage,
is the supply centre for this region of Vancouver
Island and the islands to the north. The town
and district are fast becoming a tourist mecca
with resorts, charters, guiding services, craft
shops featuring native artifacts and northwest
art, restaurants and accommodations.

Picnic on Quadra Island
Island, on the east side of Discovery Passage
has many anchorage sites that offer protection.
They include Brown Bay, Kanish Bay, Small Inlet,
Granite Bay and just off Quadra is Chained Islands
with two good anchorage spots. South of Chatham
Point, is Otter Cove, a good spot to hold out
if Johnstone Strait is rough.
Johnstone Strait:
This channel of 87 km (54 mi.) stretches from
Chatham Point to Hanson Island, with Vancouver
Island on the south and the rugged mainland coast
on the north. This section can report strong winds
and rough seas, but has breath taking scenery.
Travel Johnstone Strait in early morning to avoid
the strong winds of the afternoon. Chatham Point
is an excellent place to check for choppy waters,
tides and weather reports before entering Johnstone
Strait. There are a few good anchorage sites on
both sides of the strait, such as Turn Bay, Walkem
Islands, East Bear Bight, Humpback Bay, No Name
Cove and Kelsey Bay. A very popular stop for pleasure
and fishing boats is Port Neville, which can be
extremely busy during the summer months. Port
Harvey is large and offers good anchorage. Along
the coast of Vancouver Island is Robson Bight
Ecological Reserve protecting orcas and their
habitat. Do not chase or bother these beautiful
mammals, but watch them from a distance.
Eastern Queen Charlotte Strait:
The region known as Eastern Queen
Charlotte Strait, along the mainland offers
fine boating and fishing opportunities. It has
become a popular recreational area. Waters are
protected with hundreds of uninhabited and secluded
coves and inlets. Along the way are remote resorts
with floats, telephones, power, fuel, restaurants
and even pubs. Be prepared, self-sufficient, respect
the wildlife and the environment. This is a remote
region with little or no outside communication.
Village Island, at the entrance of Knight Inlet
is the deserted aboriginal settlement of Mamalilaculla.
This is an interesting place to visit and see
surviving remains of totem poles and long houses.
Please obtain entry permission from the band office
in Campbell River.
Knight Inlet is 113 km (70 mi.) and the longest
of the fjords along the British Columbia coast.
The shores along this 3.2 km (2 mi.) wide inlet
are very steep, with mountains reaching up to
2088 metres (6000 ft.). Anchorage is difficult
to find in the upper section, but you can easily
cruise the first part and go around Gilford Island
by way of Tribune Channel.
Once in Retreat Passage, there are a number of
islands, islets and coves that have good fishing
and anchorage spots. This includes Health Bay,
Meade Bay, Waddington Bay, Shoal Harbour, Echo
Bay, Laura Cove and Viner Sound just to mention
a few. Kingcome Inlet with its very steep shoreline
does offer some anchorage as you make your way
up to Kingcome Village and Kingcome River.
Greenway Sound, at the end of Carter Passage,
has a floating marine resort with some amenities.
Sullivan Bay, with lodge, store and post office
offers full resort facilities to pleasure boats.
Continue cruising along the mainland to Lewis
Cove and Blunden Harbour.
Cruising Western Queen Charlotte
(from Broughton Strait to Goletas Channel):
Broughton Strait at the south end of Queen Charlotte
Strait has mild summer weather and good boating
conditions. Goletas Channel, at the northern end
is where civilization gets left behind and the
true north wilderness begins. Between these two
the waterway is busy with pleasure boats, sportfishing
and commercial fishing boats. Sea kayaking is
popular here and large cruise ships also make
their way through these channels.
Double Bay on Hanson Island offers shelter, but
during fishing season
commercial and fishing boats use the floats inside
the bay. On the South side of Cormorant Island
is Alert
Bay. Alert
Bay is rich with First Nation Culture and
Heritage. There are museums, art galleries, Totem
Poles, Big House, gift shops, restaurants, accommodations,
fishing, whale watching, etc. Be sure to visit
the U'mista Cultural Centre to view the Potlatch
Collection and temporary exhibits on display -
call ahead for hours. For more detailed information
contact the Alert
Bay Info Centre (250) 974-5024.
Protected Telegraph
Cove is a picturesque place to visit, connected
by board walks, many buildings are on pilings.
This is the launching place to Robson Bight and
whale watching. The village of Sointula on Malcolm
Island is a favourite stopping spot with its colourful
painted buildings that include a food store, marine
hardware store, and postal service. Stock up on
fresh water, gasoline and diesel fuel.
McNeill with three public floats is a busy
place. Everything boaters need is within walking
distance of the boat harbour. This makes it a
favourite supply spot with boaters. Cruising north,
is anchorage at Beaver Harbour, Cattle Islands,
and Patrician Cove. The northernmost small city
on Vancouver Island is Port
Hardy with public float, a large wharf and
easy access to shopping and needed facilities.
Nearby Bear Cove is the terminus for the ferry
to and from Prince
When reaching Port Hardy, it is decision time.
The options are, turn around and go back south.
Head north and the inside passage, or go around
Cape Scott and the west coast of Vancouver Island.
If planning to cruise around Cape Scott, be well
prepared and plan the trip very carefully. Goletas
Channel, offers a few good anchorage sites on
the small islands between Queen Charlotte Strait
and Queen Charlotte Sound. Before sailing Nahwitti
Bar, Bull Harbour on Hope Island offers secure
and protected anchorage. Nahwitti Bar can be a
dangerous place for small crafts, cross only when
the winds and water are calm. Cross at high water
slack. When possible follow a local fishing boat.
Close all port lights and stow the dinghy on deck,
towing it is not advisable. After crossing Nahwitti
Bar and before cruising around Cape Scott, take
time out to explore the shoreline of Cape
Scott Provincial Park.
Cruising the West Coast of Vancouver
Boating the north end of Vancouver Island to the
west coast of the Island is not for the faint
of heart. Cape Scott is notorious for winds, unpredictable
current, dangerous rocks and no place for shelter.
The light house, is a welcome sight. Once the
light house is abeam, the worst part of your excursion
is over. The waters in this region are very productive.
Many commercial fish boats are in the area and
you are never alone.
Cape Scott to Quatsino Sound:
This part of Vancouver Island is remote, rugged,
beautiful and mostly uninhabited. Cruising here
is an experience you will never forget. Heading
south, there is anchorage at Hansen Bay. Explore
this historic site. Sea Otter Cove, 11 km. (7
mi.) south of Cape Scott, although undeveloped,
offers public buoys for small to medium sized
boats. In the summer during good weather, San
Josef Bay has three anchorage sites. They are
Hanna Point Bight, San Josef Inner Bay North and
South Sides.
Quatsino Sound is the first of the major sounds
on the West Coast. It offers protected anchorage,
access to a road system and supply centres. Winter
Harbour is a welcome spot with two pay phones
and a well stock store. Including frozen and canned
goods, bakery items, fresh produce, a liquor outlet,
hardware and fishing supplies. Inner Quatsino
Sound, leads to places like Holberg, Coal Harbour
and Port Alice. All three places have road links
to Highway 19 (Island Highway). Within the Sound
are many good anchorage sites and it presents
interesting boating as you make your way up and
down the four different arms of this waterway.
The outer section of Quatsino Sound offers places
with anchorage and protection. They include Grant
Bay, Nordstrom Cove, Mabbott Island, Harvey Cove,
and Gooding Cove.
Brooks Bay, Brooks Peninsula and
Checleset Bay:
Crossing Brooks Bay and getting around Brooks
Peninsula can be quite a challenge. Within Brooks
Bay are Klaskino Inlet and Klaskish Narrows, both
are narrow and deep with no known anchorage sites.
Klaskino Anchorage on Anchorage Island is sheltered
with public mooring buoys and McDougal Island
has Klaskish Anchorage. At the head of Klaskish,
is the gorge entrance to Klaskish Basin, a very
serene, unusual spot with public mooring buoys.
This is a pleasant place to rest, to explore and
to see wildlife. Jutting out from Vancouver Island
is Brooks Peninsula, a forbidding and battered
stretch of land that separates the cold northern
water from the warmer southern waters.
Winds and water from the north and south seems
to meet at Cape Cook and Solander Island. It can
be a trying place for cruisers. Clerke Point the
south end of Brooks Peninsula is where the waters
and weather start improving. When cruising Checleset
Bay the difference is noticeable. Make your way
into Nasparti Inlet and calmer waters. Columbia
Cove and Baidarka Cove both offer anchorage. To
sail from Nasparti Inlet to Ououkinsh Inlet, you
must get by rocks, reefs and islets, so plan your
route carefully. Continue south by either going
out into ocean water or make your way through
the Bunsby Islands by way of Gay Passage. From
this point, stay close to the coastline making
your way to Walters Cove and Kyoquot Sound. The
entrance to Walters Cove is tricky and following
a local boat into the cove is best. This little
settlement has a store and restaurant. Boaters
can stock up on water, fuel and groceries. Anchor
at the public wharf.
Kyoquot Sound:
In and around Kyoquot
Sound are many interested places where boats
can anchor. The best and safest way into the Sound
is by way of Kyoquot Channel, not Crowther Channel.
An excellent and favourite anchorage spot with
sea kayakers, sports fishing boats and cruise
boats is Kyoquot Bay on Union Island. Other good
places for anchorage within the Sound are at Surprise
Island, Hankin Cove, Hair Harbour, Rugged Point
and Dixie Cove. On leaving Kyoquot Sound, take
Clear Passage to Tatchur Point and beyond.
Nootka Island and Nootka Sound:
To explore in and around Nootka Island, enter
Esperanza Inlet by way of Gillam Channel, Tahsis
Narrows to Tahsis Inlet and Friendly Cove. This
is a longer scenic route with excellent anchorage
sites. The first protected anchor spot in Esperanza
Inlet is Rolling Roadstead. A popular stop over
is Queen Cove in Port Eliza. It offers protection
and scenery, a great combination. On the south
side of the inlet, Garden Point Bight has good
anchorage facilities. Logging and other commercial
ventures keep the village of Zeballos afloat.
The village is at the very end of Zeballos Inlet
and has a public wharf with public floats. It
also has supplies and communication. The Nootka
Mission operates home base from Esperanza, on
the north side of Hecate Channel. This centre,
offers environmental education and operates as
a spiritual retreat. Friendly staff members are
always willing to share the history and other
interesting facts about this area.
with a large logging mill at the head of a deep
fjord offers boating supplies and services. Tahsis
Inlet is narrow, long and can be choppy. Nootka
Sound offers a number of protected and interesting
anchorage spots. There is Friendly Cove, which
belongs to the Mowachaht Band. Please obtain permission
before entering or crossing. Santa Gertrudis Cove
offers shelter for small crafts. Nootka is a sport
fishing resort. Jewett Cove on Strange Island
has anchorage for small boats. Tlupana Inlet,
a deep fiord offers protection in Critter Cove,
Valdes Bay, and Galiano Bay just to mention a
few. At the head of Muchalat Inlet is Gold
River, a pulp mill town with facilities and
anchorage at the public wharf. Resolution Cove,
is the spot where Captain Cook refit his ship,
the Resolution, with a new mast.
Estevan Point to Clayoquot Sound:
Estevan Point can be rough going, but once around
the point, sheltered Hesquiat Harbour, has anchorage.
From this point on, the waters are much busier
and signs of civilization are everywhere. A very
popular spot with everyone, including locals is
Hot Springs Cove, an outdoor hot spring. During
the summer, Hot Springs Cove is a very busy destination
spot and the public float can be crowded, but
there are public mooring buoys. Other sheltered
anchorage spots in Sydney Inlet, are Hoot-la-Kootla,
Baseball Bay, Riley Cove, Young Bay and Bottleneck
Clayoquot Sound
This area makes for great cruising with its inlets
and passages that make their way by Flores, Vargas
and Meares Islands. Good anchorage sites are found
along the inside passage. Shelter Inlet offers
protection at Steamer Cove and Bachante Bay. Matilda
Inlet on Flores Island is sheltered and has good
anchorage. If supplies are needed, Ahousat on
the west side of the inlet has fuel, water and
a store. The Clark's who own and operate the Ahousat
General Store are always willing to talk about
the local history, where good cruising and anchorage
sites are available.
is a major centre on the West Coast of Vancouver
Island and is a bustling, busy town, with resorts,
gift shops and restaurants. It also serves as
a supply centre for Clayoquot Sound. Tofino offers
anchorage possibilities including the public wharf.
A paved highway connects the town of Tofino to
Port Alberni and the rest of Vancouver Island.
Rim National Park starts just south of town
and stretches along the coast to Port
Renfrew. Long Beach does not have any mooring
spots but is a great place to explore on foot.
Barkley Sound:
This is the most popular recreation Sound on Vancouver
Island. Both Ucluelet
and Port
Alberni in the Sound offer connections to
the Island's main highway system. Lady Rose, provides
a ferry service up and down the coast and into
Alberni Inlet regularly. The Lady Rose makes stops
at the resorts and commercial operations as it
travels between Ucluelet, the Broken Group, Bamfield
and Port Alberni. Barkley
Sound is exciting to explore. Find anchorage
and do the looking from a dinghy. Take time to
explore the Pinkerton Islands, Stopper Islands,
Pipestem Inlet, Effingham Inlet, the Chain Group,
the Deer Group and the Broken Group.
Ucluelet Inlet at the northwest entrance to Barkley
Sound has a couple of public floats, wharfs and
buoys that all offer good anchorage. The village
of Ucluelet can be very busy during the summer
with pleasure boats and commercial fishing boats.
It is a good place to stock up on needed supplies.
Sea kayakers, canoeists and cruising boats use
the Broken Group, which is part of the Pacific
Rim National Park. The waters are protected and
the islands offer historic value and good cruising.
Camp only in designated spots, pack out all your
garbage, do not remove any artifacts, and wildlife
is protected. Effingham Bay, the most popular
anchorage has room and offers good anchorage.
Other anchorage spots are at Nettle Island, Jarvis
Lagoon, Island Harbour, Dempster Island, Turret
Island, Clarke Island and Benson Island.
Alberni Inlet, is deep and cuts into Vancouver
Island some 64 km (40 mi.). Port Alberni at the
head of the inlet offers full services and has
marinas for small crafts. The inlet is narrow
and steep. Bamfield Inlet, on the other hand is
open and accessible. The village of Bamfield
is on both sides of the inlet, and 'main street'
is the inlet. When anchored at Bamfield stock
up on marine supplies, fresh produce, meats and
other items. Also take time to visit the Bamfield
Marine Research Station, run by British Columbia
and Alberta universities. The
West Coast Trail, part of the Pacific Rim
National Park, stretches from Bamfield to Port
Renfrew. Hikers can either start or end their
trek here. Cape Beale at the eastern entrance
to Barkley Sound should be sailed in the morning
before the westerly winds start.
Cape Beale to Victoria:
Once around Cape Bale, head in a more easterly
direction making your way past Carmanah Point
and the northern entrance of Juan de Fuca Strait.
This stretch of water can quickly change, so be
prepared. Start the trip from Barkley Sound to
Victoria early in the morning, making your way
around Carmanah Point before the prevailing winds
start. Pachena Bay, Seabird Rocks and Pachena
Point do not offer good mooring. Nitinat Lake,
is a freshwater lake that goes directly into the
ocean and the surging waters make this entrance
very dangerous.
San Juan offers protection and anchorage possibilities.
Thrasher Cove, Snuggery Cove, Port Renfrew and
Woods Nose have mooring positions. The next anchorage
site in Juan de Fuca Strait is in Sooke Inlet
with both Sooke Harbour and Sooke Basin. Becher
Bay can be full with sport fishing boats, but
Campbell Cove offers easy access and protection.
Make your way around Race Rocks, through Race
Passage and into Victoria.
Inside Route (North of Desolation Sound):
The warm waters and weather are now behind. Boats
are fewer and services are sparse. Make sure you
have plenty of fresh water and necessary supplies.
Disposing of garbage can be a problem. This sheltered
inside route is used by north bound sailors who
wish to avoid the hectic Johnstone Strait. Using
this inside waterway means running Yuculta Rapids,
Dent Rapids, Greene Point Rapids and Whirlpool
Rapids. This will take careful planning. Know
the times of slack water at each rapid and how
long it will take to get to each rapid. Make sure
you have the necessary up-to-date charts. This
route goes into Cordero Channel, Chancellor Channel,
Welbore Channel and finally Sunderland Channel
and into Johnstone Strait. Along the way are a
few well-protected spots where you can anchor
such as Big Bay on Stuart Island, Thurston Bay,
Cameleon Harbour and Handfield Bay in Nodales
Channel. Other mooring sites are at Shoal Bay,
Bickley Bay, Cordero Lodge, Blind Channel Resort,
and Forward Harbour.
If Sunderland Channel is rough, Johnstone Strait
will be worse. Wait out the nasty conditions in
Forward Harbour. Johnstone Strait is a scenic
passage and with good planning, the trip can be
very enjoyable.
Cruising the Inside Passage:
The Inside Passage boat trip must be done with
care and great planning. This is not an excursion
you should take lightly. Make sure the boat is
seaworthy and carry as many spare parts as possible.
Both fuel and water can be a bit difficult to
find, always carry plenty of both, and stock up
whenever possible. Carry a good supply of charts
and reference books. They will be needed. Weather
in this region can change quickly, bring clothing
for all seasons. Be self reliant and prepared
to sit out a storm or fog when necessary. The
Inside Passage is a spectacular and busy waterway,
used by fishing boats, large cruise ships and
small pleasure crafts, always be prepared for
the unexpected.
Queen Charlotte Sound to Fitz
Hugh Sound:
The most hazardous part of the Inside Passage
journey and the largest section of open water
is Queen Charlotte Sound. There are three different
routes to take, inorder to cross this Sound. The
main route, although longer, offers better scenery
and is a very exciting trip. An early start from
either God's Pocket or the Walker Group Cove is
necessary, head out before the winds start and
the water gets rough. On the way to Cape Caution
there is protected shelter in Shelter Bay North,
Southgate Island, Goose Point Cove in Schooner
Channel, Nugent Sound and Miles Inlet.
Continuing north by way of the main route after
Cape Caution, there is good anchorage at Egg Island.The
Island has a light house, radio beacon, emergency
light and a heliport. Also, the lighthouse keepers
are very helpful. Jones Cove, Takush Harbour and
Millbrook Cove at the entrance of Smith Sound
offer protection and anchorage. Cruising by Rivers
Inlet, find temporary shelter at Open Bight. Anchor
at Home Bay, but this is a very busy resort, so
West Home Bay that is uninhabited with good shelter
is a better anchor site. Make anchorage at Taylor
Bay, and with a kayak or dinghy do some exploring
at the entrance of Rivers Inlet. On the southwest
side of Penrose Island, find anchorage spots in
a place called Schooner Retreat.