British Columbia Outdoor Wilderness Guide  |
Turkey Vulture
Cathartes aura
Description - The Turkey Vulture is an eagle-sized
bird that is usually seen soaring over the countryside,
its wings held upward in a wide, shallow V; the flight
feathers are a silver grey with a black lining. This brownish-black
bird has a long tail and its head is small, bare and red.
It hisses or grunts when feeding or at it's nest but is
usually silent.
Distribution - The Turkey Vulture breeds from southern
British Columbia, central Saskatchewan and the Great Lakes
southward, wintering in southeast to southwestern America.
They prefer mainly deciduous forests and woodlands and
are often seen in nearby farmlands.
Biology - Two white eggs with dark brown markings
are placed in a rock crevice, a hollow tree or in a hollow
fallen log without a nest or lining. The Turkey Vulture
can coast for hours, swaying from side to side and riding
on rising columns of warm air called thermals, while searching
for a carcass. Turkey Vultures feed chiefly on carrion
and refuse.