British Columbia Outdoor Wilderness Guide  |
- Bull
(Cirsium vulgare)
The Bull Thistle is a biennial, in the aster
family, grows from 30-200 cm. tall. In the first
year, Bull Thistle is merely a low-growing group
of prickly leaves, while in the second year
the stems grow to become woody and branched
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Bull Thistle leaves are long, sharp and deeply
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spines on the upper surfaces and on the tips
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the base of the leaves attach to the stem like
protruding spines
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purple disk flowers of large composite heads
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set upon an orb of overlapping green bracts
that is completely covered by spines
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one seeded and shiny brown
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covered with fluffy white bristles
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Bull Thistle is found in low to mid elevations
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clearings and pastures and other areas of disturbance
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Bull Thistle was imported from Europe & Asia
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It is the only thistle that has a spines on
the surface of the leaf
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The Bull Thistle flowers are enjoyed by insects
and butterflies